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How the Besac Fort in Virpazar was Restored

Within IPA project "Restoration of Fortification Besac in Virpazar", that Ministry of Culture implemented in cooperation with the European Union in Montenegro, a grant in the amount of 455.214 Euros was awarded for the implementation of the first phase of restoration work of fortification Besac, while the IPA project "Sustainable Management of Tourism within the Heritage of the Adriatic" - HERA provided an amount of 320.014 Euros for the final phase of the restoration.
How the Besac Fort in Virpazar was Restored
Portal AnalitikaIzvor

Within the project Growing Together 3 Portal “Analitika” presents IPA projects that are completed or are in the final stage, and are intended to demonstrate how important it is for our country to use the IPA funds for the further development of all segments of our society.

The Ministry of Culture has provided a donation of 70,000 dollars from the World Bank funds for the construction project of restoration of cultural property, while from the national budget Ministry of Culture opted 57,885 Euros.

The Ministry of Culture, recognizing the importance of fortification Besac, in 2008 included this cultural monument in the “List of Priority Interventions”, through Component 2 of the Regional Programme for Cultural and Natural Heritage of Southeast European countries - Ljubljana process. As part of this initiative, preliminary technical assessment and business plan of reconstruction and revitalization of fortification Besac have been prepared.

Realization of the first restoration phase of fortification Besac lasted nine months, and the project was successfully completed in 2013. Within the allocated funds implementation of conservation measures on the fortification, building barracks, the walls and the access road have been realized.

Architectural and archaeological research

Despite the aforementioned, the Ministry of Culture has allocated substantial resources for drafting the project design, revision of main project, providing technical supervision of the construction works, architectural and archaeological research of fortification and geodetic survey of the filed with 3D video, while during 2014, and through the regional project Ljubljana process II, it has been provided funds for the preparation of the Management Plan of this cultural property.

The main goal of fortification Besac restoration is remodeling and restoration of cultural property with the objective of bringing it to its purpose, in accordance with the principle of sustainability, and should be based on cultural tourism. Thus, the fortification, after the implementation of the final phase of the main project of its restoration, is used for the purposes of the museum in which will be presented the items related to the cultural and historical past Lake Skadar, bars and souvenir shops.

The restoration project of fortification Besac from the beginning of its implementation aimed at involving local community, both in the restoration itself, and in defining sustainable future use of cultural property. Its successful implementation, which was realized in cooperation with the Delegation of European Union to Montenegro, among other things, entailed recording and sustainable benefits to the local community was involved in all activities related to its management and valorization, as one of the main consumers of restored cultural property, through the creation of new jobs, but also in receiving revenue from tourist visits thought this extremely attractive site

Multiple benefits

Benefits of successful implementation of the restoration project of fortification Besac are manifold. Montenegro on its territory holds extremely large number of fortifications which are often located in the most attractive tourist areas, and therefore suitable for further investments to their sustainable tourism development.

Every form of investment that comes from international funds it is extremely important, out of which pre-accession funds have special importance to Montenegro, appreciating the fact that the restoration of cultural property often includes earmarking large funds, which often cannot be allocated from the national budget.

This approach to the restoration of cultural heritage directly influenced on change of public awareness of the benefits of cultural heritage located in their vicinity, and that apart from obvious historical and an esthetic value, can certainly contribute to the realization of the economic ones, based on job creation and the receiving revenue from tourism, all based on principle of sustainable use.

Implementation of all projects involving sustainable use of cultural property, is in line with the principle of the development of cultural heritage, as undoubtedly significant potential of Montenegro, should be brought to the purpose that will meet the economic, but also conservation principles defined precisely through the mechanism of its sustainable use.


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