
Dukley European Art Community: Djuk Rajli, rezident u "Dukley Art Center" u Kotoru

"Dukley Art Center" in Kotor gather many artists, who stay in its house - former main office of "Jugooceanija" - as residents in well know artistic project of "Dukley European Art Community". One of them is Duke Riley from USA.
Dukley European Art Community: Djuk Rajli, rezident u "Dukley Art Center" u Kotoru
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What are you working on right now?

- Mainly, I'm working on some drawings at the moment. It is what I usually do when I stay in residencies. I spend some time researching the area and thinking about it. At the very end, I will react to it and propose an idea to the world. While I'm processing the information on the place, I draw and comprehend what I see. What I do at the moment is not necessarily the reflection of a place I work in, but more processing out of my system of a place where I was previously. At the same time, I'm processing the place I am staying in at this moment, and the future.

How do you find this space, do you collaborate with other artists in residence?

- I have met most of the people in "Dukley Art Center" and also seen their studios. At the moment, I am open for any kind of collaboration.

What is your opinion how Montenegrin audience accept this project?

- I was pleasantly surprised by the number of people that visited us, nevertheless they didn't know nothing about "Dukley Art Center" before coming here.


Umjetnička rezidencija "Dukley Art Center" u Kotoru okuplja brojne umjetnike koji borave - žive i stvaraju u nekadašnjoj upravnoj zgradi "Jugooceanije". To je dio već poznatog umjetničkog projekta "Dukley European Art Community". Jedan od umjetnika koji tamo boravi je Djuk Rajli i SAD.

Na čemu trenutno radite?

- Trenutno najviše radim na crtežima, što je tipično za mene kada sam rezident u okviru nekog projekta. Provedem neko vrijeme istražujući mjesto i razmišljajući o njemu. Na kraju reagujem na okolinu u kojoj boravim i stvorim nešto. Dok sam posvećen radu u mjestu u kome boravim, crtam i otkrivam šta sam zapravo vidio. To ne znači da je ono što radim jednostavno odraz onoga što me okružuje. Više je to neka vrsta "izbacivanja" iz mog sistema onog mjesta u kom sam prije boravio. Istovremeno razmišljam o tom mjestu i o budućnosti.

Kako se snalazite u prostoru Dukley Art Center-a? Da li sarađujete sa drugim rezidentima?

- Upoznao sam većinu rezidenata. Obišao sam njihove ateljee. Potpuno sam otvoren za svaku saradnju.

Koji je Vaš stav o tome kako crnogorska publika prihvata  projekat poput rezidencije za umjetnike u Kotoru?

- Prijatno sam iznenađen brojem ljudi koje su nas do sada obišli, uprkos tome što nisu znali šta ih ovdje čeka.

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